Perl is a widely used programming language and among its key advantages is the fact that it works with the so-called modules - short pieces of program code that contain subroutines and perform various tasks. The convenient side of using modules is that you do not need to write custom program code or include the whole code for some action every single time it has to be executed. Alternatively, you can add only a single line in your Perl script which calls a given module, which consequently will perform the necessary action. Not only will this result in shorter and more optimized scripts, but it will enable you to make adjustments faster and easier. If you aren't a programmer, yet you would like to work with a Perl app which you've found on the web, for example, it's likely that the app will need certain modules to be already installed on the website hosting server.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Web Hosting

All our shared web hosting plans feature more than 3400 Perl modules that you're able to take advantage of as part of your CGI scripts or web-based apps. They include both popular and less popular ones, in order to give you a choice with regard to what functions you can add to your sites. Several examples are Apache::SOAP, CGI::Session, GD, Image::Magick, URI, LWP and many, many more. A full list is available in the Server Information section of our in-house made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which is featured with all shared accounts. In the same location, you'll find the Perl version that we have and the path to the modules that you will need to use in your scripts in order to call a particular module from the library.

Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated plans come with a big collection of Perl modules that you can use with your scripts. Thus, even if you need to use an application that you've found online from a different site, you can be sure that it shall be effective since regardless what modules it may possibly require, we'll have them. Our library consists of over 3400 modules such as DBD::mysql, URI, LWP, XML::Parser and much more - a lot of them are widely used and others not as much. We keep such a significant number to be on the safe side and to be certain that any script will work on our web servers even if some module that it requires is used very rarely. The whole list of modules which you can use can be found within the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel provided with the semi-dedicated accounts.